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Maksim Ustinov
Maksim Ustinov

How Radical Together Can Transform Your Faith and Your Church

Radical Together: Unleashing the People of God for the Purpose of God free download

Are you looking for a book that will challenge you to live out your faith in a radical way? Do you want to join a movement of Christians who are passionate about God's glory and His purpose in the world? If so, you might be interested in reading Radical Together: Unleashing the People of God for the Purpose of God by David Platt. And the best part is, you can get it for free! In this article, we will tell you what this book is about, why you should read it, and how you can download it for free.

Radical Together: Unleashing the People of God for the Purpose of God free download

What is Radical Together?

Radical Together is a follow-up book to Radical, which was a New York Times bestseller by David Platt. In Radical, Platt challenged Christians to take back their faith from the American Dream and to follow Jesus with radical obedience. In Radical Together, Platt broadens his call, inviting Christians to unite around a gospel-centered vision and to unleash the people of God for the purpose of God.

A summary of the book

The book consists of six chapters, each exploring a foundational idea that fuels radical obedience among Christians in the church. These ideas are:

  • The worst enemy of Christians is not persecution, but good things in the church that distract us from the best things.

  • We are living - and longing - for more than this world has to offer.

  • We have an opportunity to show God's glory to a watching world.

  • We are created by God, saved by God, and blessed by God for a global purpose.

  • We don't have anything to give to God except what He has already given to us.

  • We are accountable not only for our own lives, but also for how we lead and influence others.

In each chapter, Platt shares compelling Bible teaching and inspiring stories from around the world, showing how these ideas can transform our priorities, our communities, and our impact for God's glory.

The main message of the book

The main message of Radical Together is that God has designed His people to make disciples and make His name known among all nations. This is not an optional or individual task, but a corporate and urgent one. We need each other to fulfill this purpose, and we need to align our lives with God's Word and His Spirit. Platt urges us to ask ourselves this question: "How can we in the church best unleash the people of God in the Spirit of God with the Word of God for the glory of God in the world?"

Why should you read Radical Together?

If you are looking for a book that will challenge you to rethink your priorities as a Christian, inspire you to join a gospel-centered vision, and help you apply the radical commands of Christ in practical ways, then Radical Together is for you. Here are some of the benefits of reading this book:

It challenges you to rethink your priorities as a Christian

Many Christians today are comfortable with a lukewarm faith that is shaped by the culture and the consumerism of the world. They settle for good things in the church, such as programs, buildings, budgets, and traditions, without realizing that these things may actually hinder them from pursuing the best things that God has for them. Platt exposes the dangers of this kind of Christianity and calls us to examine our hearts and our motives. He invites us to repent of our self-centeredness and our complacency, and to embrace a radical faith that is willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of Christ and His kingdom.

It inspires you to join a gospel-centered vision

Many Christians today are isolated and individualistic in their faith. They focus on their own personal relationship with God, their own spiritual growth, and their own happiness, without considering how they are connected to the body of Christ and the mission of God. Platt reminds us that we are not meant to live our faith alone, but together with other believers who share a common vision and a common passion. He shows us how we can unite around the gospel, the good news that God has reconciled us to Himself through His Son Jesus Christ, and that He has commissioned us to spread this gospel to all people groups. He encourages us to join a local church that is committed to making disciples and multiplying churches for God's glory.

It helps you apply the radical commands of Christ in practical ways

Many Christians today are familiar with the teachings of Jesus, but they struggle to obey them in their daily lives. They know what they should do, but they don't know how to do it or why they should do it. Platt helps us to bridge the gap between knowing and doing, between theory and practice. He gives us concrete examples and practical steps on how we can apply the radical commands of Christ in our personal lives, our families, our churches, and our world. He challenges us to pray fervently, to give generously, to serve humbly, to love sacrificially, and to go boldly wherever God leads us.

How can you get Radical Together for free?

If you are interested in reading Radical Together, you might be wondering how you can get it for free. Well, there are several ways you can do that:

Download it from Amazon Kindle Unlimited

If you have a subscription to Amazon Kindle Unlimited, you can download Radical Together for free on your Kindle device or app. Kindle Unlimited is a service that allows you to read unlimited books from a large selection of titles for a monthly fee. You can try it for free for 30 days and cancel anytime. To download Radical Together from Kindle Unlimited, just follow these steps:

  • Go to this link.

  • Click on "Read for Free".

  • Sign in with your Amazon account or create one if you don't have one.

  • Start reading Radical Together on your Kindle device or app.

Borrow it from a library or a friend

If you don't have a subscription to Kindle Unlimited, you can still borrow Radical Together from a library or a friend who has a copy. Libraries are great places to find books for free, and you can also support your local community by using their services. You can check if your library has Radical Together by searching their online catalog or asking a librarian. You can also ask your friends if they have read Radical Together and if they are willing to lend it to you. Just make sure you return it in good condition and on time.

Listen to it on Audible with a free trial

If you prefer listening to books rather than reading them, you can listen to Radical Together on Audible with a free trial. Audible is an audiobook service that allows you to listen to thousands of titles on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. You can try it for free for 30 days and get one audiobook of your choice for free. To listen to Radical Together on Audible with a free trial, just follow these steps:

Article with HTML formatting --- ... Together-Unleashing-the-People-of-God-for-the-Purpose-of-God-Audiobook/B004X7FZ6O">this link.

  • Click on "Start your free trial".

  • Sign in with your Amazon account or create one if you don't have one.

  • Select Radical Together as your free audiobook.

  • Start listening to Radical Together on your Audible app or website.


Radical Together is a book that will challenge you to live out your faith in a radical way. It will invite you to join a gospel-centered vision and to unleash the people of God for the purpose of God. It will also help you apply the radical commands of Christ in practical ways. If you are interested in reading this book, you can get it for free by downloading it from Kindle Unlimited, borrowing it from a library or a friend, or listening to it on Audible with a free trial. We hope you enjoy this book and that it inspires you to make an impact for God's glory.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Radical Together:

  • Who is the author of Radical Together?

The author of Radical Together is David Platt, who is the president of the International Mission Board and the founder of Radical, a ministry devoted to serving churches and disseminating disciple-making resources. He is also the author of several other books, such as Radical, Follow Me, and Counter Culture.

  • What is the difference between Radical and Radical Together?

Radical is a book that focuses on the individual Christian's response to the radical claims and commands of Christ. It challenges Christians to take back their faith from the American Dream and to follow Jesus with radical obedience. Radical Together is a book that focuses on the corporate Christian's response to the radical vision and mission of Christ. It challenges Christians to unite around a gospel-centered vision and to unleash the people of God for the purpose of God.

  • How long is Radical Together?

Radical Together is 176 pages long in paperback format, and it takes about 4 hours and 9 minutes to listen to it on Audible.

  • What are some other books similar to Radical Together?

If you liked Radical Together, you might also like these books:

  • Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan. This book challenges Christians to rediscover their first love for God and to live with passion and purpose for His glory.

  • Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Committed Follower of Jesus by Kyle Idleman. This book challenges Christians to examine whether they are fans or followers of Jesus, and to make a decision to follow Him with their whole lives.

  • Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper. This book challenges Christians to live for God's glory and not for worldly pleasures, and to make their lives count for eternity.

  • Where can I find more resources related to Radical Together?

If you want to find more resources related to Radical Together, you can visit the official website of Radical at There you can find more books, podcasts, videos, articles, and events that will help you grow in your faith and in your mission.



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