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Stanislav Suvorov
Stanislav Suvorov

How to Build Database Front-Ends with InfoPower VCL for RAD Studio 10.2 for Tokyo v19.0.0.1

InfoPower VCL for RAD Studio 10.2 for Tokyo v19.0.0.1: A Powerful Component Suite for Delphi Developers

If you are looking for a component suite that can help you build database front-ends for Windows applications in Delphi and C++ Builder, you should consider InfoPower VCL for RAD Studio 10.2 for Tokyo v19.0.0.1. This is a popular and useful component package that offers a host of flexible and sophisticated components, such as grids, editors, combos, lookup controls, word processing, and more.

InfoPower VCL for RAD Studio 10.2 for Tokyo v19.0.0.1

In this article, we will introduce you to some of the features and benefits of InfoPower VCL for RAD Studio 10.2 for Tokyo v19.0.0.1, and show you how to use it to create powerful and user-friendly database applications.

What is InfoPower VCL?

InfoPower VCL is a component suite that extends the capabilities of Delphi's native components and provides additional functionality for building database front-ends for Windows applications. It is compatible with RAD Studio 10.2 for Tokyo, which is the latest version of Embarcadero's integrated development environment (IDE) for Delphi and C++ Builder.

InfoPower VCL includes over 70 components that cover various aspects of database development, such as data entry, data display, data validation, data filtering, data searching, data printing, and more. It also supports Windows 10 VCL styles, which allow you to create modern-looking applications with just a click.

InfoPower VCL is designed to be easy to use and customize, with many properties, events, methods, and templates that you can adjust to suit your needs. It also comes with detailed documentation and demos that show you how to use the components effectively.

What are some of the features of InfoPower VCL?

InfoPower VCL has many features that make it a powerful and versatile component suite for database development. Here are some of the highlights:

InfoPower Grid: This is one of the most powerful components in the InfoPower library, which greatly expands upon the capabilities of Delphi's native grid component. It allows you to display and edit data from various sources, such as datasets, arrays, collections, or custom objects. It also supports advanced features such as grouping, sorting, filtering, searching, column customization, master-detail relationships, cell merging, cell formatting, cell graphics, cell buttons, cell checkboxes

  • InfoPower Editors: These are enhanced versions of Delphi's native edit controls, such as TEdit, TSpinEdit, TDateTimePicker, etc. They provide additional features such as data validation, input masks, currency formatting, alignment options, custom buttons, custom graphics, custom colors, custom fonts, and more.

  • InfoPower Combos: These are advanced versions of Delphi's native combo controls, such as TComboBox, TColorBox, TFontComboBox, etc. They provide additional features such as data binding, lookup functionality, image support, hierarchical display, custom items, custom graphics, custom colors, custom fonts, and more.

  • InfoPower Lookup Controls: These are powerful components that allow you to display and select data from a lookup dataset or a custom source. They include TwwDBLookupCombo, TwwDBLookupComboDlg, TwwDBLookupList, TwwDBGridComboDlg, TwwRecordViewDialog, and more. They provide additional features such as incremental searching, filtering, sorting, grouping, master-detail relationships, custom fields, custom graphics, custom colors, custom fonts, and more.

InfoPower Word Processing: This is a component that allows you to display and edit rich text data in your applications. It includes TwwDBRichEdit and TwwRichEditBar components. They provide additional features such as data binding, RTF support, HTML support, spell checking, printing support, clipboard support, undo/redo support, font support

  • InfoPower Word Processing: This is a component that allows you to display and edit rich text data in your applications. It includes TwwDBRichEdit and TwwRichEditBar components. They provide additional features such as data binding, RTF support, HTML support, spell checking, printing support, clipboard support, undo/redo support, font support, color support, paragraph support, bullet support, table support, image support, hyperlink support, and more.

  • InfoPower Data Inspector: This is a component that allows you to display and edit data in a hierarchical and expandable manner. It includes TwwDataInspector and TwwRecordViewDialog components. They provide additional features such as data binding, custom fields, custom editors, custom graphics, custom colors, custom fonts, custom layouts, custom templates, and more.

  • InfoPower Data Filter: This is a component that allows you to filter data based on various criteria. It includes TwwFilterDialog and TwwIncrementalSearch components. They provide additional features such as data binding, custom fields, custom operators, custom expressions, custom graphics, custom colors, custom fonts, custom layouts, custom templates, and more.

How to use InfoPower VCL?

To use InfoPower VCL in your applications, you need to install it in your RAD Studio IDE first. You can download the trial version from the official website or purchase the full version from the online store. After installing InfoPower VCL, you will find the components in the InfoPower tab of the component palette.

To use InfoPower VCL components in your applications, you need to add them to your forms or data modules and set their properties and events according to your needs. You can also use the design-time editors and wizards to customize the components easily. For example, you can use the Grid Designer to design your InfoPower Grid columns and settings.

To learn more about how to use InfoPower VCL components in your applications, you can refer to the online documentation and demos that come with the installation package. You can also visit the official website and forum for more information and support.


In this article, we have introduced you to InfoPower VCL for RAD Studio 10.2 for Tokyo v19.0.0.1, a powerful component suite for Delphi developers who want to build database front-ends for Windows applications. We have shown you some of the features and benefits of InfoPower VCL components and how to use them in your applications.

InfoPower VCL is a popular and useful component package that has been trusted by many Delphi developers for over 20 years. It provides a host of flexible and sophisticated components that can help you create powerful and user-friendly database applications with ease.

If you are interested in InfoPower VCL for RAD Studio 10.2 for Tokyo v19.0.0.1, you can download the trial version from the official website or purchase the full version from the online store. You can also check out InfoPower for FireMonkey (FirePower X2), which is a component suite for building database front-ends for cross-platform applications.

- How to install and update InfoPower VCL for RAD Studio 10.2 for Tokyo v19.0.0.1

- How to use InfoPower VCL components with other Delphi components or libraries

- How to troubleshoot common issues or errors with InfoPower VCL components

- How to optimize the performance and memory usage of InfoPower VCL components

- How to compare InfoPower VCL with other similar component suites for Delphi

- How to install and update InfoPower VCL for RAD Studio 10.2 for Tokyo v19.0.0.1

- How to use InfoPower VCL components with other Delphi components or libraries

- How to troubleshoot common issues or errors with InfoPower VCL components

- How to optimize the performance and memory usage of InfoPower VCL components

- How to compare InfoPower VCL with other similar component suites for Delphi

- How to install and update InfoPower VCL for RAD Studio 10.2 for Tokyo v19.0.0.1

- How to use InfoPower VCL components with other Delphi components or libraries

- How to troubleshoot common issues or errors with InfoPower VCL components

- How to optimize the performance and memory usage of InfoPower VCL components

- How to compare InfoPower VCL with other similar component suites for Delphi ca3e7ad8fd


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