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Karina Garcia's DIY Slime: How to Make Liquid Gold, Glow-in-the-Dark, Balloon, and More Slimes with this Book

Here is the outline of the article I created based on the topic "Karina Garcia's DIY Slime mobi download book": H1 Karina Garcia's DIY Slime: A Fun and Colorful Guide to Making Slime at Home --- --- H2 Introduction H3 Who is Karina Garcia? H3 What is slime and why is it popular? H3 What are the benefits of making slime at home? H2 How to Make Slime with Karina Garcia's DIY Slime Book H3 What you need to make slime H4 Ingredients H4 Tools H4 Safety tips H3 How to follow the recipes in the book H4 Liquid Gold Slime H4 Glow-in-the-Dark Slime H4 Balloon Slime H4 And more! H3 How to store and play with your slime H4 Storage tips H4 Fun activities with slime H4 Cool facts about slime and Karina Garcia H2 Conclusion H3 Summary of the main points H3 Call to action: download the book and start making slime today! And here is the article I wrote based on the outline: # Karina Garcia's DIY Slime: A Fun and Colorful Guide to Making Slime at Home ## Introduction Have you ever wanted to make your own slime at home? Do you love watching YouTube videos of people playing with slime and making amazing creations? If so, you are not alone. Slime is one of the most popular trends among kids and adults alike, and there is no better way to learn how to make it than with Karina Garcia's DIY Slime book. ### Who is Karina Garcia? Karina Garcia is a YouTube sensation who has over 9 million subscribers on her channel, where she posts videos of herself making and playing with slime, as well as other crafts and challenges. She is known as the "Queen of Slime" and has been featured on various media outlets, such as The New York Times, The Ellen Show, and Good Morning America. She is also the author of two bestselling books on slime: Karina Garcia's DIY Slime and Karina Garcia's Next-Level DIY Slime. ### What is slime and why is it popular? Slime is a gooey substance that can be made with various ingredients, such as glue, water, borax, shaving cream, food coloring, glitter, and more. It can have different textures, colors, scents, and sounds, depending on how you make it. Slime is popular because it is fun to play with, satisfying to watch, and relaxing to touch. It can also help you express your creativity, relieve stress, and improve your motor skills. ### What are the benefits of making slime at home? Making slime at home has many benefits over buying it from a store or online. For one thing, you can customize your slime according to your preferences and mood. You can choose the ingredients, colors, scents, and additives that you like best. You can also experiment with different recipes and techniques to create unique slimes that no one else has. Another benefit of making slime at home is that you can save money and reduce waste. You can use common household items or recycled materials to make slime, instead of buying expensive or harmful products. You can also reuse your slime or make new ones from old ones, instead of throwing them away. ## How to Make Slime with Karina Garcia's DIY Slime Book If you want to make slime at home like a pro, you need to get Karina Garcia's DIY Slime book. This book contains 15 easy, borax-free slime recipes that will teach you how to make Liquid Gold Slime, Glow-in-the-Dark Slime, Balloon Slime, and more! Along with four brand-new recipes, this book also includes tips on how to store your slime, all the amazing things you can do with slime, and fun, cool facts about Karina. ### What you need to make slime Before you start making slime with Karina's book, you need to gather some basic ingredients and tools that you will use for most of the recipes. #### Ingredients The main ingredient that you will need for most of the slimes is glue. You can use white or clear glue, depending on the color and transparency that you want for your slime. You will also need some activator, which is the substance that makes the glue turn into slime. You can use liquid starch, contact lens solution, or baking soda and water as your activator, depending on the recipe. Some other ingredients that you will need for some of the slimes are: - Water - Food coloring - Glitter - Shaving cream - Baby oil - Cornstarch - Lotion - Body wash - Hand soap - Shampoo - Conditioner - Gelatin - Balloons #### Tools The tools that you will need for making slime are: - A large mixing bowl - A measuring cup and spoons - A spatula or a spoon - A microwave-safe bowl or a pot and a stove - A ziplock bag or an airtight container #### Safety tips Before you start making slime, you need to follow some safety tips to avoid any accidents or injuries. - Always wash your hands before and after making slime. - Always wear gloves when handling borax or contact lens solution, as they can irritate your skin or eyes. - Always work in a well-ventilated area, as some of the ingredients can have strong smells or fumes. - Always keep your slime away from pets, children, or anyone who might mistake it for food. - Always dispose of your slime properly, by throwing it in the trash or composting it, not by flushing it down the drain or toilet. ### How to follow the recipes in the book Once you have all the ingredients and tools ready, you can start following the recipes in Karina's book. Each recipe has a list of ingredients, step-by-step instructions, and photos to guide you through the process. Here are some examples of the slimes that you can make with the book: #### Liquid Gold Slime This slime is one of Karina's favorites, and it looks like pure gold. To make it, you will need: - 1/2 cup of clear glue - 1/4 cup of water - Gold glitter - Gold food coloring - 1/4 cup of liquid starch To make it, you will need to: 1. In a large mixing bowl, mix together the glue and water until well combined. 2. Add as much gold glitter and food coloring as you want, and stir well. 3. Slowly add the liquid starch, stirring constantly, until the mixture starts to form a slime. 4. Knead the slime with your hands until it is smooth and stretchy. 5. Enjoy your liquid gold slime! #### Glow-in-the-Dark Slime This slime is perfect for playing in the dark, as it glows brightly when exposed to light. To make it, you will need: - 1/2 cup of clear glue - 1/4 cup of water - Glow-in-the-dark paint (any color) - 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda - 1 tablespoon of contact lens solution To make it, you will need to: 1. In a large mixing bowl, mix together the glue and water until well combined. 2. Add as much glow-in-the-dark paint as you want, and stir well. 3. Add the baking soda, and stir well. 4. Slowly add the contact lens solution, stirring constantly, until the mixture starts to form a slime. 5. Knead the slime with your hands until it is smooth and stretchy. 6. Expose your slime to light for a few minutes, then turn off the lights and watch it glow! #### Balloon Slime This slime is fun and easy to make, as you only need two ingredients: gelatin and balloons. To make it, you will need: - 1 packet of unflavored gelatin - 1/4 cup of water - Balloons (any color) To make it, you will need to: 1. In a microwave-safe bowl, mix together the gelatin and water until well combined. 2. Microwave the mixture for 15 seconds, then stir well. 3. Repeat step 2 until the mixture is clear and bubbly. 4. Let the mixture cool slightly, then carefully pour it into a balloon using a funnel. 5. Tie the balloon and squeeze it gently to distribute the gelatin evenly. 6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 with more balloons and gelatin if you want more slimes. 7. Enjoy your balloon slimes by popping them or cutting them open! #### And more! These are just some of the slimes that you can make with Karina's book. There are many more recipes to choose from, such as: - Mermaid Dream Fishbowl Slime - Cotton Candy Slime - Galaxy Slime - Unicorn Poop Slime - Rainbow Sl Here is the rest of the article I wrote based on the outline and the search results: ### How to store and play with your slime After you make your slime with Karina's book, you will want to keep it fresh and have fun with it. Here are some tips on how to store and play with your slime. #### Storage tips - Store your slime in a ziplock bag or an airtight container to prevent it from drying out or getting moldy. - Label your slime with the name of the recipe and the date you made it, so you can keep track of it. - Keep your slime away from heat, sunlight, or moisture, as they can affect its texture and color. - If your slime gets sticky or runny over time, you can add some more activator or knead it until it becomes smooth again. #### Fun activities with slime - Stretch, squeeze, poke, twist, swirl, and snap your slime to enjoy its satisfying sounds and sensations. - Mix different slimes together to create new colors and textures. - Add more ingredients or accessories to your slime to make it more interesting, such as beads, foam balls, water beads, confetti, etc. - Make shapes, letters, numbers, or patterns with your slime on a flat surface or a baking tray. - Use cookie cutters, molds, or stamps to cut out shapes from your slime. - Make slime bubbles by blowing air into your slime with a straw or a plastic bottle. - Make slime art by spreading your slime on a canvas or a paper and adding glitter, paint, stickers, etc. - Make slime sculptures by molding your slime into animals, characters, objects, etc. - Make slime games by using your slime as a ball, a frisbee, a dart, a racket, etc. #### Cool facts about slime and Karina Garcia - Slime is a non-Newtonian fluid, which means it can act like a solid or a liquid depending on how much force is applied to it. - Slime is also a polymer, which means it is made of long chains of molecules that are linked together. - Slime can help you relax by reducing stress and anxiety levels. It can also improve your focus and concentration by stimulating your senses. - Karina Garcia started making slime videos in 2015 after she saw some online and decided to try it herself. She soon became one of the most popular slime makers on YouTube and earned millions of fans and dollars. - Karina Garcia has also launched her own line of slime products, such as kits, premade slimes, accessories, etc. She has also collaborated with other brands and celebrities to create exclusive slimes. ## Conclusion Slime is more than just a toy. It is a creative and educational activity that can bring joy and learning to kids and adults alike. With Karina Garcia's DIY Slime book, you can learn how to make 15 amazing slimes at home with simple ingredients and easy instructions. You can also discover how to store and play with your slime in fun and exciting ways. So what are you waiting for? Download the book today and start making slime like a pro! ### FAQs Here are some frequently asked questions about Karina Garcia's DIY Slime book: Q: Where can I download the book? A: You can download the book from as a Kindle edition or buy it as a paperback. Q: Is the book suitable for all ages? A: The book is suitable for anyone who loves slime and wants to learn how to make it at home. However, some of the recipes may require adult supervision or assistance for younger children. Q: Do I need any special equipment or ingredients to make the slimes? A: No, you don't need any special equipment or ingredients to make the slimes. You can use common household items or easily find them at your local store. Q: How long does it take to make each slime? A: It depends on the recipe and the amount of slime you want to make. But generally, it takes about 10 to 15 minutes to make each slime. Q: How long does each slime last? A: It depends on how you store and care for your slime. But generally, each slime can last for several weeks or months if stored properly.

Karina Garcia's DIY Slime mobi download book



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