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Landon Walker
Landon Walker

Suicide Help Uk

This guide explains what mental health crisis services are available, how they can help and when to access them. It also explains how you can plan for a crisis. If you're feeling in crisis right now, see our emergency advice.

Suicide Help Uk

We help anyone who may be struggling with their mental health and/or thoughts of suicide. Our volunteers use their skills, training and empathetic approach to offer a non-judgmental listening ear to help people in what could be their darkest hour. Our volunteers aim to signpost individuals to the most relevant support available to them at that time, to get them to get the help they deserve.

Every 90 minutes a friend or loved one is lost through suicide in the UK. With your help we can give people the information and support they desperately need to help them through their most darkest hours.

The Suicide Prevention Team rely on volunteers who believe that every person deserves care, compassion and empathy in their time of need. They help people whoever they are, and whatever their situation, with a non-judgemental approach.

SP-UK make a really positive impact on people's lives and mental wellbeing. Individuals get the chance to see that they are not alone and that there is support out there. We take the time to listen and help in a potentially life-threatening crisis. In turn, our interventions can massively reduce the workload of the emergency services.

The Support After Suicide Partnership brings together suicide bereavement organisations and people with lived experience, to achieve a vision that everyone bereaved or affected by suicide is offered timely and appropriate support.

This website have been developed with the help of both individuals with experience of suicide and professional bereavement organisations so you can explore practical information and find emotional support if you have been impacted by suicide.

From Grief to Hope: the collective voices of those bereaved or affected by suicide in the UK is a report.The research behind it invovled 7000 participants impacted by suicide, led by University of Manchester. express a poignant, personal and full picture of the impact of suicide on the lives of individuals, families, colleagues and professionals.

When supporting someone bereaved by suicide, often people fear that they will cause more upset by asking the person about their loss. This is not the case and people bereaved by suicide need the support of those around them now more than ever. We want to help you to feel more confident in supporting someone bereaved by suicide by providing you with information and support.

At SASP, we have started a new venture into podcasting, with candid, honest conversations about topics that arise after a bereavement by suicide. We hope they will provide information, support, companionship, and a remote friend to those who have been impacted by suicide. To access our podcasts, please go to our stories page.

Help is at Hand provides people affected by suicide with both emotional and practical support. The most recent official figures reveal 6,233 suicides of people aged 15 and over were registered in the UK in 2013 and suicide has far-reaching effects among friends, family, colleagues, and the wider community. Those bereaved by a suicide are at increased risk of mental health and emotional problems and may be at higher risk of suicide themselves, so receiving the right support is essential.

The guide is designed to be given out by bereavement support organisations and by those who are likely to be first on the scene after a suspected suicide, including police and ambulance staff. It will also be widely promoted online through partnerships with coroners, funeral directors, police, doctors and bereavement counselling and support organisations.

The redevelopment of the guide follows a cross-governmental strategy that called on a wide range of groups to work together to achieve a reduction in the suicide rate in England and to better support those bereaved or affected by suicide. Help is at Hand is part of a range of bereavement support materials available on

The National Suicide Prevention Alliance is a coalition of public, private and voluntary organisations in England, supported by the Department of Health. Its aim is to get all parts of society working together to take action to reduce suicide and improve the support for those bereaved by suicide. See more information at The Co-Chairs are Ruth Sutherland, CEO of Samaritans, Hamish Elvidge of the Matthew Elvidge Trust, and Brian Dow of Rethink Mental Illness.

PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide is the UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people. We believe that no young person should have to struggle alone with thoughts of suicide.

PAPYRUS exists to reduce the number of young people who take their own lives, by shattering the stigma surrounding suicide and equipping young people and their communities with the skills to recognise and respond to emotional distress.

Our suicide prevention helpline, HOPELINEUK, is a free, confidential, non-judgmental space to talk openly about your thoughts of suicide with our trained advisers. We work with young people, concerned others and professionals via phone, text, email and webchat, every day.

There are so many ways that you can get involved and raise funds for PAPYRUS so we can keep saving young lives. Your support helps us to keep our services running, offering a lifeline to young people at risk of suicide and creating suicide-safer communities across the UK.

We offer a range of suicide prevention training for individuals, workplaces and communities across the UK. From our free 30-minute SP-ARK session, to a two-day ASIST course, there are plenty of ways to create a suicide-safer environment where you are.

This unique two-way safety plan is simple to set up, secure and will help to save lives. It is also accessible to users 24/7, meaning that there will be support around the clock for anyone using the service.

Stay up to date with PAPYRUS; our news section is regularly updated with helpful advice and guidance, as well as information about our upcoming events and campaigns. If you have any questions or queries please get in touch.

Suicidal feelings can build up over time, or they can develop suddenly. Although we know there is a link between depression and thoughts of suicide, suicidal feelings are not always linked to depression. Some people may even have these thoughts when it feels as though life is otherwise going well.

Is there anything going on that is leading you to view suicide as a solution, such as bullying or problems at school? Is there anything you can do to improve the situation or ask someone you trust like a parent or teacher to help? You may find that if you address any problems like this, the thoughts of suicide become less frequent or stop altogether.

This can be really daunting, but your GP will have heard from lots of people who are feeling like you are now. They will know what support and services are available in your local area, and they can help you decide if medication like antidepressants might help you.

Talking about suicide can be a daunting thing to do, but making that move to start a conversation is the first step to supporting your friend and may even bring them a sense of relief. You might be worried that talking about suicide will put the idea into their head, or make them more likely to act on it, but it won't. In fact, it can be really helpful to address it directly, as it can help make your friend feel less alone.

Some people may feel more comfortable talking to someone else, such as a family member or teacher, or they may prefer to speak to someone via a helpline. It is really important that they talk to someone, so it can help to talk to them about who they might feel comfortable speaking to. See the 'Getting help' section below for a list of helplines they can use.

The study replicates earlier research using a UK sample to examine differences between suicidal people who go online for suicide-related reasons and suicidal people who do not, perceived effects of suicide-related Internet use, and perceived barriers to offline help-seeking. A total of 72 UK citizens (18-24 years old) who had contemplated killing themselves or deliberately harmed themselves with the intention of dying within the past 12 months participated in an anonymous online survey. Results indicate that suicidal young people who use the Internet for suicide-related purposes are a high-risk group characterized by higher levels of social anxiety. The main purposes of suicide-related Internet use were to connect with others and seek information. Both positive and negative effects were found. 041b061a72


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