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Randy Goodall

MATLAB R2012b Crack + License Key Free Download [Latest]

MATLAB R2012b: An Overview

MATLAB is a software platform for numerical computing and data analysis that is widely used by engineers, scientists, educators, students, and hobbyists. MATLAB provides an interactive environment for exploring data, developing algorithms, creating models, visualizing results, and deploying applications.

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MATLAB R2012b is a version of MATLAB that was released in September 2012. It introduced several new features and enhancements that improved the performance, usability, and functionality of MATLAB. Some of the notable features include:

  • A new graphics system that provides a modern look and feel, easier customization, and better support for multilingual text and symbols

  • New data types for storing mixed-type tabular data (table), discrete non-numeric data (categorical arrays), and points and durations in time (date and time arrays)

  • An interactive import tool that simplifies importing delimited and fixed-width text files with improved handling of numbers, text, dates, and nonnumeric values

  • Big data capabilities that enable accessing, analyzing, and visualizing large-scale data sets using datastores, mapreduce, parallel computing, and cloud computing

In this article, we will explore these features in more detail and discuss how to get MATLAB R2012b for free or at a low cost depending on your intended use.

What's New in MATLAB R2012b?

New Graphics System

One of the most noticeable changes in MATLAB R2012b is the new graphics system that provides a modern look and feel, easier customization, and better support for multilingual text and symbols. The new graphics system is based on a new object-oriented framework that allows you to manipulate every aspect of a plot or visualization using properties and methods. You can also use dot notation to access and modify properties in a concise and intuitive way.

Some of the benefits of the new graphics system are:

  • Improved appearance and consistency of plots and visualizations across platforms and devices

  • Enhanced support for high-resolution displays and printing

  • Simplified creation and editing of annotations, legends, colorbars, and axes labels

  • Increased flexibility and control over plot layout, alignment, spacing, and sizing

  • Expanded options for customizing colors, fonts, markers, lines, and styles

  • Added support for Unicode characters, complex scripts, bidirectional text, and font fallback

The new graphics system is compatible with most existing MATLAB code and functions. However, some changes may affect the appearance or behavior of your plots and visualizations. For more information on how to use the new graphics system and how to migrate your existing code, see the Graphics Transition Guide.

New Data Types

MATLAB R2012b also introduced three new data types for storing mixed-type tabular data (table), discrete non-numeric data (categorical arrays), and points and durations in time (date and time arrays). These data types provide convenient ways to organize, manipulate, and analyze different kinds of data using built-in functionality and operators.


A table is a data type that can store mixed-type tabular data with metadata. A table consists of rows and columns, where each column can have a different data type, such as numeric, logical, character, cell, or other MATLAB data types. Each column also has a name and a unit. Each row has an index that can be a number or a label. You can access and modify the data in a table using various methods of indexing, such as by row name, column name, or position.

Some of the benefits of using table are:

  • Easy creation and import of tabular data from files, databases, spreadsheets, or other sources

  • Efficient storage and retrieval of large amounts of data with minimal memory overhead

  • Convenient manipulation and transformation of data using built-in functions such as sortrows, join, stack, unstack, splitapply, rowfun, varfun, etc.

  • Powerful analysis and visualization of data using functions such as summary, groupsummary, histogram, boxplot, etc.

  • Seamless integration with other MATLAB data types and functions such as cell arrays, structures, matrices, statistics toolbox, etc.

For more information on how to use table, see the Table Documentation.

Categorical Arrays

unique, countcats, etc. to manipulate and analyze categorical arrays. You can also use functions such as bar, pie, etc. to visualize categorical arrays.

Some of the benefits of using categorical arrays are:

  • Compact representation and storage of discrete non-numeric data with reduced memory usage and faster processing

  • Clear and meaningful expression of data values using category names instead of numeric codes or strings

  • Simplified comparison and manipulation of data values using logical operators and functions that respect the order and meaning of categories

  • Easy conversion and integration of data values from other data types such as strings, cell arrays, enums, etc.

For more information on how to use categorical arrays, see the Categorical Array Documentation.

Date and Time Arrays

A date and time array is a data type that can store points and durations in time with computation, display, and time zone support. A date and time array consists of elements that represent either a specific point in time (datetime) or a length of time (duration). You can perform arithmetic operations on date and time arrays using operators such as +, -, *, /, etc. You can also use functions such as caldiff, yyyymmdd, daysact, etc. to compute and manipulate date and time values. You can also use functions such as datestr, datenum, format, etc. to display and convert date and time values.

Some of the benefits of using date and time arrays are:

  • Accurate representation and storage of points and durations in time with nanosecond precision and leap second awareness

  • Flexible display and formatting of date and time values using various styles, locales, and calendars

  • Consistent handling and conversion of date and time values across different time zones and daylight saving rules

  • Easy computation and analysis of date and time values using arithmetic operators and functions that account for calendar irregularities

  • Smooth integration of date and time values with other MATLAB data types and functions such as table, plot, statistics toolbox, etc.

For more information on how to use date and time arrays, see the Date and Time Array Documentation.

Import Tool

MATLAB R2012b also introduced an interactive import tool that simplifies importing delimited and fixed-width text files with improved handling of numbers, text, dates, and nonnumeric values. The import tool allows you to preview the contents of a text file in a spreadsheet-like view, specify the delimiter, header lines, variable names, variable types, missing values, etc., and generate MATLAB code to reproduce the import operation.

Some of the benefits of using the import tool are:

  • Easy access and import of text files from various sources such as local files, web URLs, clipboard, etc.

  • Quick preview and exploration of text file contents before importing into MATLAB

  • Intuitive specification and customization of import options using graphical controls or keyboard shortcuts

table, categorical, datetime, etc.

  • Automatic generation and execution of MATLAB code to import text files into MATLAB variables or tables

For more information on how to use the import tool, see the Import Tool Documentation.

Big Data Capabilities

MATLAB R2012b also introduced big data capabilities that enable accessing, analyzing, and visualizing large-scale data sets using datastores, mapreduce, parallel computing, and cloud computing. These capabilities allow you to work with data sets that are too large to fit in memory or on a single disk, or that are distributed across multiple machines or locations.

Some of the benefits of using big data capabilities are:

  • Easy access and manipulation of big data sets from various sources such as files, databases, Hadoop clusters, etc. using datastores

  • Efficient processing and analysis of big data sets using mapreduce framework that applies user-defined functions to chunks of data in parallel

  • Scalable computation and visualization of big data sets using parallel computing toolbox that leverages multiple cores, GPUs, clusters, or cloud resources

  • Flexible deployment and integration of big data applications using MATLAB compiler toolbox that generates standalone executables or web apps

For more information on how to use big data capabilities, see the Big Data Documentation.

How to Get MATLAB R2012b for Free or at a Low Cost?

MATLAB R2012b is a powerful and versatile software platform that can help you with your numerical computing and data analysis needs. However, MATLAB R2012b is not free software. You need to purchase a license to use it legally and access its full functionality and support. The price and type of license depend on your intended use and license term.

In this section, we will discuss the different pricing and licensing options for MATLAB R2012b depending on your intended use. We will also provide some tips on how to get MATLAB R2012b for free or at a low cost.

Standard License

A standard license is the most common type of license for MATLAB R2012b. It is suitable for commercial, government, or other organizational use. A standard license allows you to install and use MATLAB R2012b on a single machine or a networked machine with concurrent users. A standard license also includes technical support and software updates for the license term.

The price of a standard license depends on the number of products you want to use and the license term you choose. You can choose between an annual term or a perpetual term. An annual term means you pay a yearly fee to use MATLAB R2012b and its products for one year. A perpetual term means you pay a one-time fee to use MATLAB R2012b and its products indefinitely. However, you need to pay an additional fee for maintenance service if you want to receive technical support and software updates after the first year.

The price of a standard license also varies by region and currency. You can check the current price of a standard license for MATLAB R2012b in your region and currency by visiting the MATLAB Pricing Page.

Startup License

A startup license is a special type of license for MATLAB R2012b that is designed for approved early-stage companies. A startup license allows you to access MATLAB, Simulink, and 90+ add-on products at a reduced price. A startup license also includes technical support and software updates for the license term.

To qualify for a startup license, you need to meet the following criteria:

  • Your company must be privately held and not an affiliate or subsidiary of a larger corporation

  • Your company must be in business for less than 5 years

  • Your company must have annual revenue of less than $1 million USD

  • Your company must have fewer than 10 employees

  • Your company must use MATLAB and Simulink for internal development purposes only

  • Your company must agree to the Startup License Terms and Conditions

if you want to receive technical support and software updates after the first year.

The price of a startup license also varies by region and currency. You can check the current price of a startup license for MATLAB R2012b in your region and currency by visiting the MATLAB Startup Program Page.

Academic License

An academic license is another type of license for MATLAB R2012b that is designed for teaching and research at a degree-granting institute. An academic license allows you to access MATLAB, Simulink, and 90+ add-on products at a discounted price. An academic license also includes technical support and software updates for the license term.

To qualify for an academic license, you need to meet the following criteria:

  • You must be a faculty, staff, or student at a degree-granting institute

  • You must use MATLAB and Simulink for teaching or research purposes only

  • You must agree to the Academic License Terms and Conditions

The price of an academic license depends on the number of products you want to use and the license term you choose. You can choose between a campus-wide option, a classroom instructional option, or a primary and secondary school option. A campus-wide option means you pay a yearly fee to use MATLAB R2012b and its products for unlimited users on campus and off campus. A classroom instructional option means you pay a yearly fee to use MATLAB R2012b and its products for up to 50 users in a single classroom. A primary and secondary school option means you pay a one-time fee to use MATLAB R2012b and its products for unlimited users in a single school.

The price of an academic license also varies by region and currency. You can check the current price of an academic license for MATLAB R2012b in your region and currency by visiting the MATLAB Academic Program Page.

Student License

A student license is another type of license for MATLAB R2012b that is designed for courses offered at a degree-granting institution. A student license allows you to access MATLAB, Simulink, and 10 add-on products at a low cost. A student license also includes technical support and software updates for the license term.

To qualify for a student license, you need to meet the following criteria:

  • You must be enrolled in a course that requires or recommends MATLAB and Simulink at a degree-granting institution

  • You must use MATLAB and Simulink for course work purposes only

  • You must agree to the Student License Terms and Conditions

The price of a student license is fixed at $99 USD for MATLAB R2012b and 10 add-on products. The license term is 12 months from the date of purchase. You can renew your student license for another 12 months at the same price.

You can purchase a student license for MATLAB R2012b by visiting the MATLAB Student Store Page.

Home License

A home license is another type of license for MATLAB R2012b that is designed for personal use only. A home license allows you to access MATLAB and 49 add-on products at a low cost. A home license does not include technical support or software updates.

To qualify for a home license, you need to meet the following criteria:

  • You must be an individual who wants to use MATLAB and Simulink for personal projects or hobbies

  • You must not use MATLAB and Simulink for commercial, professional, educational, or organizational purposes

  • You must agree to the Home License Terms and Conditions

The price of a home license is fixed at $149 USD for MATLAB R2012b and 49 add-on products. The license term is perpetual, meaning you can use MATLAB R2012b and its products indefinitely. However, you will not receive any technical support or software updates.

You can purchase a home license for MATLAB R2012b by visiting the MATLAB Home Store Page.


MATLAB R2012b is a version of MATLAB that was released in September 2012. It introduced several new features and enhancements that improved the performance, usability, and functionality of MATLAB. Some of the notable features include:

support for multilingual text and symbols

  • New data types for storing mixed-type tabular data (table), discrete non-numeric data (categorical arrays), and points and durations in time (date and time arrays)

  • An interactive import tool that simplifies importing delimited and fixed-width text files with improved handling of numbers, text, dates, and nonnumeric values

  • Big data capabilities that enable accessing, analyzing, and visualizing large-scale data sets using datastores, mapreduce, parallel computing, and cloud computing

MATLAB R2012b is not free software. You need to purchase a license to use it legally and access its full functionality and support. The price and type of license depend on your intended use and license term. You can choose between a standard license, a startup license, an academic license, a student license, or a home license. Each license has different criteria, benefits, and costs.

If you are interested in learning more about MATLAB R2012b and how to use it for your numerical computing and data analysis needs, you can visit the following resources:

  • MATLAB R2012b Release Notes

  • MATLAB R2012b Documentation

  • MATLAB R2012b Examples

  • MATLAB R2012b Videos

  • MATLAB R2012b Webinars

  • MATLAB R2012b Community


Here are some frequently asked questions about MATLAB R2012b:

Q: How can I download MATLAB R2012b?

A: You can download MATLAB R2012b from the MATLAB Download Page. You will need to log in with your MathWorks account and select the appropriate license and platform. You can also download MATLAB R2012b from the MATLAB File Exchange if you have a valid license.

Q: How can I install MATLAB R2012b?

A: You can install MATLAB R2012b by running the installer file that you downloaded. You will need to enter your MathWorks account information and your license number. You can also install MATLAB R2012b by using the MATLAB Installation Guide.

Q: How can I update MATLAB R2012b?

A: You can update MATLAB R2012b by using the Update Advisor. The Update Advisor will check for available updates and patches for MATLAB R2012b and its products. You can also update MATLAB R2012b by using the Update MATLAB Command.

Q: How can I uninstall MATLAB R2012b?

A: You can uninstall MATLAB R2012b by using the Uninstall MATLAB Tool. The Uninstall MATLAB Tool will remove MATLAB R2012b and its products from your machine. You can also uninstall MATLAB R2012b by using the Uninstall MATLAB Command.

Q: How can I get help with MATLAB R2012b?

A: You can get help with MATLAB R2012b by using the Help Browser. The Help Browser will provide you with documentation, examples, videos, webinars, community answers, and other resources for MATLAB R2012b and its products. You can also get help with MATLAB R2012b by using the Help Command. dcd2dc6462


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